Wednesday, July 23, 2008


One of my biggest peeves is the large number of people who are trying to market a horse and have NO IDEA WHAT COLOR IT IS!! Geesh folks, it's not rocket science. Learn the difference in the colors of horses. You would not believe the mistakes people make. Just go have a look at DreamHorse any day of the week. I see dapple grays advertised as "silver dapples", bays as "sorrel", sorrels (flaxen chestnuts for those across the pond) as "palomino", grays as "white", and on and on. There are a large number of websites out there on horse color, look it up people. And for Pete's sake, palomino is a COLOR not a BREED!!! I don't care if they have a registry, they will accept ANYTHING that remotely resembles a "yaller horse"! Also, Haflingers and Belgians are NOT palominos, the creme gene is not found in those breeds, they are CHESTNUT.

There really is no excuse, there are TONS of references out there for equine color genetics. There are several good websites and also a couple of books that are very useful. Here are a couple of each...

Horse Color Explained: A Breeder's Perspective by Jeanette Gower

Equine Color Genetics by Dan Phillip Sponenberg

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